Hey all...

up front, i'm not a server guy.  just a code monkey :)

with that disclaimer out of the way... got a question about load
balancing and failover of cf servers.

as i understand it...

there is the concept of "sticky sessions", where all requests by a
particular user "stick" to a particular machine in the cluster.  in
theory, this balances the load over the servers.  but if one server
were to go down, all users on that server would subsequently go down
with the ship (so to speak).  so you have load balancing, but not

in a situation where you don't implement sticky sessions, various
requests from a given user would be bounced around from machine to
machine.  this way the load balancing remains intact, and if a single
machine in the cluster fails... nobody knows (they're just not bounced
to that particular machine).  the problem in this situation is...
session variables.  a user gets bounced from machine to machine, but
their session does not.

it's this session variable issue that i'm trying to explore/solve.  at
a previous job, we used a product called "Coherence" from tangosol
(now owned by Oracle) (see
http://www.tangosol.com/coherence-overview.jsp).  the coherence box
acts as a dedicated session variable repository in the cluster... so
requests can be bounced from server to server and still have access to
session variables.

seems to be a viable product... but i'm trying to do the necessary due
diligence in exploring all of the options.  we haven't moved to CF8
yet (still on CF7), but I had heard that CF8 would actually have this
functionality built in (the ability to use sessions in a clustered
environment).  quick googling tho seemed to indicate that this was an
"expensive" process and not necessarily recommended (?)

can anyone shed any light on how to handle this situation?  i know we
can move to client vars and use a db for client variable storage...
but i'd prefer to stick with session variables if at all possible.


Charlie Griefer

"...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."

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