I'm trying to get SVN autoversioning (webDav) configured for use with 
dreamweaver (in this case, dreamweaver 8). It seems like it's working, but I 
can't publish new files. Also, I'm not seeing file revisions when I post new 
files. Admittedly, I'm new to SVN so this could easily be a user issue. 

Here's a rundown of of my software versions/configuration:

Apache 2.0.59 (it's only purpose in life is to provide webDav access)
SVN 1.4.3
Windows XP (will eventually move to Windows 2003 server when in production)

Client: Dreamweaver 8 - remote server as a webDav connection

Besides switching the default port to 8080 (to prevent conflicts with IIS on 
80), here are the changes I made to httpd.conf

LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so
LoadModule dav_svn_module "C:/Program Files/Subversion/bin/mod_dav_svn.so"
LoadModule authz_svn_module "C:/Program Files/Subversion/bin/mod_authz_svn.so"

DocumentRoot "C:/webDav"
<Directory "C:/webDav">

DavLockDB "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/var/DavLock"

<Location />
        Dav svn

        AuthType Basic
        AuthName DAV
        AuthUserFile "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/var/user.passwd"
        require valid-user
        ForceType text/plain
        SVNPath "c:/svnRepos"

I created a new repository (C:\svnRepos) using Tortoise SVN. I then imported 
the files which I wish to keep under version control (c:\webDav). I then did 
the necessary password work to create an account for the basic authentication. 

Dreamweaver says it connects successfully to my remote server. When I push out 
a file that already exists, it doesn't bark at me. However when I look in my 
c:\webDav folder, the changes are not there. I tried doing an SVN Update (via 
Tortoise SVN) on c:\webDav, but the changes were still not visible. I also 
tried checking out a new working copy (c:\webDav2) and that did not contain the 
changes either. The other issue is that I cannot add a new file - I created 
test2.html in my local view in dreamwaver, tried to push it out, and I received 
an "access denied. the file may not exist or there may be a permission issue". 

I haven't tried any clients besides dreamweaver because this really won't be 
useful to us if it doesn't work in dreamweaver. Has anyone experienced this 
before? Is this a dreamweaver issue? Did I take a wrong turn somewhere in my 
setup/configuration? Is there a way to resolve this? 

Thanks in advance!


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