I have a bit of a problem, and I know that happens sometimes when the sessi=
on expires (and may be have something to do with the application expiration=
OK this is it:
Every time I authenticate an user (this is made by an object created in the=
 session scope) I create a struct that contains all the user information. T=
his struct resides in the session scope and should be available while the s=
ession is active. When the user logout I delete this struct. Everything wor=
ks fine, but some times when the session expires and the user re-login, the=
 server do not run the authentication neither the login part of my code. So=
 I ended without my struct and with a logged in user. 
This is my simplified  Application.cfc, I do not know what I am missing: 

<cfcomponent displayname ="Application">

   <!--- Atributes --->
      this.loging  = true;
      this.name  = "APP";
      this.Sessionmanagement  = true;
      this.Sessiontimeout  = #createtimespan(0,0,1,0)#;
      this.applicationtimeout  = #createtimespan(0,1,0,0)#;
      this.loginstorage  = "session";

<!--- onApplicationStart --->
<cffunction name ="onApplicationStart">
   <cfif this.loging>
      <cflog file ="#This.Name#" type ="Information" text ="Started" />
         application.sessions  = 0;

   <!--- onApplicationEnd --->
   <cffunction name ="onApplicationEnd">
      <cfargument name ="ApplicationScope" required ="true" />
      <cfif this.loging>
          <cflog file ="#this.Name#" type ="Information"
            text ="#ApplicationScope.applicationname# Ended" />
   <!---  onRequestStart  --->
   <cffunction name ="onRequestStart">
      <cfparam name ="act" default ="0">
       <!--- If we want to logout --->
       <cfif act is "logout">
          <cfset clearSession()>

      <!--- the user is not login --->
       <cfif NOT IsDefined("cflogin")>
         <!--- the action of the login form point to index.cfm --->
         <cfinclude template ="login_form.cfm" />

         <!--- Validate --->
         <!--- object that autenticates the user --->
         <!--- this object also creates a session struct 
           session.userInfo with aditional user info --->
        <cfset roles=session.security.login(cflogin.name,cflogin.password)>
         <!--- If the user has any role --->
         <cfif roles is not "NONE">
           <cfloginuser name="#cflogin.name#" 
                        Password  = "#cflogin.password#" 
                        roles =#roles#">
           <--- the times that I have the error the user is loged in by 
              ColdFusion but this test code is not executed ---> 
              <cfdump var ="#session#">   

         <!--- This is not a valid user --->
              <!--- the action of the login form points to index.cfm --->
              <cfinclude template ="login_form.cfm" />
    <!--- here is the problem and this is the solution that I made 
       'but I do not like it' --->
    <!--- sometimes I get here and the struct dose not exist --->
    <cfif NOT isDefined("session.userInfo")>
        <cfset session.security.load_user()>
    <cfset this.start =now()>


   <!---  onRequest --->          
   <cffunction name ="onRequest">
      <cfargument name ="targetPage" type ="String" required ="true" />

      <!--- This is a minimal example of an onRequest filter. --->
      <cfsavecontent variable ="content">
         <cfinclude template ="#ARGUMENTS.TargetPage#" />


   <!---  onSessionStart  --->
   <cffunction name ="onSessionStart">
         session.started  = now();
       <!--- Create the security object --->
       <cfobject component ="#application.core#.aspects.Security" 
          name ="session.security" type ="component" />
       <cflock timeout ="5" throwontimeout ="no" 
               type ="exclusive" scope="application">
         <cfset application.sessions  = application.sessions + 1 />
       <cfif this.loging>
         <cflog file ="#this.Name#" type ="Information" 
            text ="Session: #Session.sessionid# started" />

   <!---  onSessionEnd  --->
   <cffunction name ="onSessionEnd">
     <cfargument name  = "SessionScope" required ="true" />
     <cfif this.loging>
      <cflog file ="#this.Name#" type ="Information" 
        text ="Session: #arguments.SessionScope.sessionid# ended" />

   <!--- ---------------------------------------------------------
                           PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
   ---------------------------------------------------------- --->
   <!--- Clear Session --->
   <cffunction name ="clearSession" access ="private" output ="no">
         session.lang  = "ENG";

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