>Wow, old code... Before I even attempt to answer the question. What version
>of ColdFusion are you running this on?
>The reasons I ask are as follows:
>ParameterExists has been deprecated since version 4/4.5 or thereabouts. -
>use isDefined or even better, StructKeyExists instead.
>Code like this:
><cfif #endnum# GT #count#><cfset endnum = #count#></cfif>
>Can and should be written like this
><cfif endnum GT count>
>       <cfset endnum = count>
><cfset count=#count#+1>
>Should read at least as <cfset count = count + 1> and if you have CF8 you
>could use the new ++ operator :-)
>Now onto answering your question...
>It appears the critical part of your code is missing from your post. I
>cannot see the <cfquery> that actually retrieves the documents from the
><cfquery name="getDocs" ...>
>Without seeing that (which is most likely where the logic error is), it's
>almost impossible to answer this question.


Here is the query:
I'm using version MX which i think is 5; thanks

<cfquery datasource="#data#" name="getdocs">
LEFT OUTER JOIN DocActionLog DAL ON docs.docID = DAL.DocID and DAL.EmployeeID = 
#session.EmployeeID# and DAL.ActionType = 'R'
WHERE docResponseID = '#getDept.DeptResponsibleID#'
<cfif parameterexists(docType)>AND docTypeID in 
<cfif parameterexists(startsWith)>AND 
        <cfif #startsWith# is "0">
        (docTitle between '0' AND 'A')
        <cfelseif #startsWith# is "A">
        (docTitle between 'A' and 'E')
        <cfelseif #startsWith# is "E">
        (docTitle between 'E' and 'I')
        <cfelseif #startsWith# is "I">
        (docTitle between 'I' and 'M')
        <cfelseif #startsWith# is "M">
        (docTitle between 'M' and 'Q')
        <cfelseif #startsWith# is "Q">
        (docTitle between 'Q' and 'T')
        <cfelseif #startsWith# is "T">
        (docTitle between 'T' and 'W')
        <cfelseif #startsWith# is "W">
        (docTitle > 'W')
        docTitle IS NOT Null
<cfif parameterexists(orderBy)>ORDER BY #orderBy#
        <cfelse>ORDER BY docTitle</cfif>

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