> I realize this topic may have been covered on this list a while back, but
> I'm having problems locating a good answer, so here goes. Typically in our
> administrative web sites, on a request, we copy over our session variables
> to the request scope so we can have read-access to the information without
> having to place locks all over the place.

I would suggest that you create a Session Facade and then have all your
objects reference the façade.  It is generally a bad idea to have an object
reference an external scope (session, request, etc.), and this technique
hides the implementation from your business objects.

Assuming you wanted to return an 'admin' object, your objects would use a
sessionFaçade.getAdminObject() and the function within the façade would look
like the following (excluding locks, etc. for the sake of simplicity):

function getAdminObject() {
        Return session.adminObject

Rich Kroll 

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