You could also install the Dev version locally at and try running the code
with the server monitor turned on.

On 10/29/07, Kevin Pompei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Every since upgrading to CF8 I've been having a frustrating
> problem.  After
> starting CF, it will run for a while (sometimes serveral hours, sometimes
> less than an hour) at about 1% - 3% in terms of processor load.  (It's a 2
> cpu - 4 core system.)  Then, all of a sudden, the processor load will jump
> up to about 25% and stay there until CF is restarted. Pages then start
> loading very sluggishly.  This never happened with CF7 and I haven't made
> any code changes since upgrading.
> Also, the CF code that this server runs is very light.
> Anyone seen this, or have any ideas.  BTW, I'm running the standard
> edition
> of CF so I don't have access to the server monitor.

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade to ColdFusion 8 and integrate with Adobe Flex


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