There are two versions of this function. a jQuery one and a non-jQuery one.
The non-jQuery one came first. There are some improvements in the jQuery one
(which, if I'm honest, is the one I use). I knew about the out of memory
crashes, but for dumping a query result set like the original author was
talking about, this is a very good tool (imo).

It would be nice if it didn't try to expand every single section but instead
allow for lazy loading of those pieces that the user wants to click on to
expand. I figure that would take care of some instances of the out of memory
crashes (which I rarely run into, unless I'm trying to dump top or document
or window,etc.).


On 11/4/07, Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Chris Jordan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 10:29 AM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: ajaxcfc dump results
> >
> > I personally couldn't live without this dump function:
> >
> >
> > It looks *exactly* like a cfdump, but for JavaScript instead! :o)
> Cool - I'd never seen this one before.  I took a deeper look (yeah, mostly
> to see how I could improve mine).
> It identifies several more object types (Dom Element, RegEx, etc) than
> mine
> and abstracts some objects very nicely (functions, dom objects, etc).  At
> the same time it doesn't seem to have an option to NOT abstract them (for
> example it only shows four properties for DOM Elements when they actually
> have several hundred).
> It can't handle circular/recursive references.  It crashes with an "out of
> memory error".
> For example:
> Person1.Spouse = Person2;
> Person2.Spouse = Person1;
> Family = [Person1, Person2];
> This will crash when you try to dump "Family" (it generates an endless
> loop).  This was actually one of the most difficult challenges to overcome
> for me.
> Also there's no ability to control depth of recursion (for example deep,
> complex objects like "document" create an out of memory crash).  With mine
> you can control the recursive depth (although if you don't my component
> crashes in exactly the same way).
> Now, that said, I also noticed that my extension can't handle regular
> expressions.  It doesn't crash, but it also doesn't display them (it just
> displays blank).
> So it looks like between the both of them all the bases are covered!  ;^)
> Jim Davis

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