>Oh, just to be clear - 'mailbox' in this context means calendars as well, right ?
Yes. When I say "mailbox", I mean the Exchange mailbox object that contains the following folders: Inbox, Calendar, Contact, Tasks, etc. >What was the CF you used, if I can ask ? Was it basically what I posted (the generic account username/password, but with the mailboxname of the other persons calendar ? It was similar, except I used the attributeCollection: <cfset atts = structNew()> <cfset atts["action"] = "open"> <cfset atts["connection"] = "variables.msxConn"> <cfset atts["mailboxname"] = "OTHER_MAILBOX"> <cfset atts["username"] = "ADMIN_USER"> <cfset atts["password"] = "ADMIN_PASSWORD"> <cfset atts["server"] = "MAIL_SERVER_IP"> <cfexchangeconnection attributeCollection="#atts#"> <cfset atts = structNew()> <cfset atts["action"] = "get"> <cfset atts["name"] = "messages"> <cfset atts["connection"] = "variables.msxConn"> <cfset atts["folder"] = "Inbox"> <cfexchangemail attributeCollection="#atts#" /> <cfexchangeconnection action="close" connection="variables.msxConn"> <cfdump var="#messages#" label=""> <p><cfoutput>#messages.recordCount#</cfoutput> messages</p> <p> <cfoutput query="messages"> #messages.subject# : #messages.timeReceived# : #htmlEditFormat(messages.uid)#<br> </cfoutput> </p> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ColdFusion is delivering applications solutions at at top companies around the world in government. Find out how and where now http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/showcase/index.cfm?event=finder&productID=1522&loc=en_us Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Talk/message.cfm/messageid:292829 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Talk/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.4