In coldfusion, you would just put a cfif statement around the different
<LINK href="mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> choices.  This
would involve a new call to the server for each 'change' of style sheet.

To do it while on the page (and without a call to the server), you could
<LINK href="mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css id='pagestyle'>

Put a javascript call on the page somewhere that would change the value of
the href:  <a href="javascript:document.getElementById('pagestyle').href =
'mysecondstyle.css';" >change style</a>
I have not tested this, so it may not work.  If it doesn't, then you can
always try this method.

Load all of the stylesheets at the beginning, but have each style called as
a child of a specific classname.
..pagestyle1 td {color:#000; font-family: arial;}

..pagestyle2 td {color:#333; font-family: verdana;}

Use the class name as the container div class, the container table class, or
the body class.
<div id='container' class='pagestyle1'>
<Table id='container' class='pagestyle1'>
<body id='container' class='pagestyle1'>

Use javascript to change the 'container' class name and all of the child
styles will change with it.
<a href="javascript:document.getElementById('container').className =
'pagestyle2.css';" >change style</a>

William E. Seiter
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Web Developer

> Is it possible create a way using coldfusion which would allow the 
> user to change the current page style by selecting a link on the page? 
> Seems like it shouldn't be to difficult, I just can't think of how to 
> do it. 
> Thanks, 
> John

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