> I 1 drop down from where I would like to populate the data in to the 
> text box. So in order to do this I am picked the ajaxcfc. So the code 
> seems to be working, it gets all the requireq values but doe not 
> populate into the box . 
> Functions that I am usig : 
>       function doQuery(id)    {
>               // send data to CF
>               DWRUtil.useLoadingMessage();
>               DWREngine._execute(_cfscriptLocation, null, 'categoryUpdate', 
> id, 
> doQueryResults);
>       }
>       // call back function
>       function doQueryResults (r) {
>       //document.getElementByID("addcategory").style.display='block';
>               eval(r);
>       }
> My Server side function 
> <cffunction name="categoryUpdate" output="no" access="private">
>       <cfargument name="category" required="yes" type="numeric">
> <cfset var qryCategory=''>
> <cfset var jsReturn =''>
> <cfquery name="qryCategory" datasource="XXXXXX">
>                                         select category from tablename where 
> categoryID=#arguments.
> category#
> </cfquery>
> <cfsavecontent variable="jsReturn"><cfoutput>
>                       $('categoryname').innerHTML     = 
> '#JSStringFormat(qryCategory.
> category)#';
>               </cfoutput></cfsavecontent>
>               <cfreturn jsReturn />
> </cffunction>
> Do not know what the problem is 
It seems like I solved the half of the problem . I got it to work in Mozilla 
but it does not want to work in IE 
What i did is I set the value to the input box and that was it. How can i get 
it to work in IE
function doQueryResults (r) {

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