Hello Chaps,

I know many of you are running SubVersion for your version control on your
Apache based servers, and to be honest I think its about time I got up and
running with some proper source control, the number of Projects I have 'on
the go' is growing and I need to tidy up my management a little bit before
it start getting out of hand.

After spending some time looking around it seems as if SubVersion only
runs on Apache, which is fair enough I supose, however, I'm currently
running on IIS6. I could upgrade or swap the web server over to Apache,
but to be honest this is not in the slightest bit desirable as I dont want
to play with my production environment like that.

Is there a decent source control solution available for IIS? after hunting
around nothing jumped out at me. Can I perhaps run Apache alongside IIS
purely for the version control access? I'd really appreciate some
pointers. If so, then how?

I've also got a couple of questions about the way in which version control
works. Currently I develop on my local network (I have a test server setup
here). Then, once I'm happy that the code is running neatly I SFTP a copy
up to the server and it becomes live on production.

Does VersionControl replace that requirement for SFTP? From what I've seen
of other SVN and CVS servers, when I want to start working on the code I
'check out' a copy into my Eclipse, Then work on it. How do I then
republish my changes to the server? Is that somthing that SVN and CVS
handle for me?

I'm really after some tips and tricks on how to manage my project
efficiently with Eclipse and source control.

Thanks for your advice guys, I really appreciate it.


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