how about using a cfloop instead of cfoutput?

<cfloop from="#myQuery.recordcound" to="1" step=-"1" index="i">
    <cfoutput>#myQuery.ID[i]# - #myQuery.Name[i]#</cfoutput><br>

On Nov 15, 2007 8:03 AM, Tom King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is there a way of outputting a Query in cfoutput in reverse without
> creating another query, or adding rows to the query, and with no
> numerical index?
> I have a "manual" query object created, with galleryId, and
> galleryName, but GalleryID is not a sequential number sequence nor
> alphabetical, so ORDER BY galleryID doesn't have the correct effect;
> ie. values might be:
> ID                                      Name
> 2007_foo                        Foobar
> 2007_abc                        FooFoo
> Obviously, when I CFDUMP the query, you get CF's ID in the column,
> and outputting QueryName.currentrow will give you a sequential
> numerical list, but I want CF to output that Query in reverse!
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> T

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