Lots of questions here.

First off - when you run cfindex, don't forget the STATUS attribute.
It lets you return a struct and that includes information about how
many things it added, edited, or removed from the collection.
Secondly - Verity does indeed support MS Word. You can find the
complete list of binary files in the docs.
Thirdly - you have to be careful with scheduled tasks, no matter what
is in there. You want to ensure you do some kind of logging to ensure
you know what happened when the scheduled task to run.

On Nov 16, 2007 1:59 PM, Jonathan Gingerich
> I'm having nothing but trouble using the Verity feature in ColdFusion.  
> First, it's extermely opague and it's very hard to see where things may be 
> going wrong.  Second, I cannot seem to get any MS Word .doc file indexed.  We 
> have a range of them from various dates, so I don't think it's a version 
> problem.  I'm wondering if the default extention list in the CF Administartor 
> - html and cf extentions - is a big hint that anything other than plain text 
> (which seems to get indexed as well...) won't happen?  Finally, while the 
> scheduling seems to be working, any cfindex job itself seems to disappear and 
> carry its page with it.  I suspect timeout problems.  When I index manually 
> sometimes some things work, sometime they don't...  Is this par for the 
> course, or is something definitely wrong?
> JG

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