> OK, so I am still having the same issue with our districts 
> website admin section. Our main site is 
> www.snowline.k12.ca.us, and when I log into our 
> administration section from home using that URL everything 
> works fine. However, when I log into any of our other URL's 
> (www.snowlineschools.net, com and org), I can log in fine, 
> but I get kicked out if I attempt to enter the admin section.
> I am using CFLOGIN for the login control. For the site 
> security (besides having to log in) I am using IsUserInRole 
> to let them into their proper part. Now the way that our 
> environment is set up is that our web server is also our DNS 
> server (No, this was NOT my decision, and they are ordering 
> more hardware for me to get the web/cf server on it's own 
> machine), Windows Server 2003,  IIS, CF8 and SQL Server 2005.
> Also, when I use any of the 4 URL's from within the network 
> everything works fine. I am at a loss here. Any help would be 
> greatly appreciated.

If I had to guess, I would put my money on some sort of mismatch between
your sites, cookies, and redirection. Cookies are site- or domain-specific,
so if you get a cookie issued when you visit snowline.k12.ca.us, that cookie
won't work at snowlineschools.net.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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