I had issues with my proxy server effing things up here at work.  Have you
ruled out that possibility?

On Nov 27, 2007 11:07 AM, Asim Manzur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> using latest eclipse v3.3.1.1 Build id: M20071023-1652
> trying to use the debugging option.
> for Ref. I use the Ben's post here
> http://www.forta.com/blog/index.cfm/2007/5/30/CF8-Debugger-Getting-Started
> But every time it comes back with the error
> unable to contact the rds server.
> It is the standard CF8 install..
> in Eclipse. the hostname is the ip of the server.
> port is 80
> no context root
> then username/password.
> in cf administrator. "*Allow Line Debugging" is checked
> and under *Security > RDS
> *"Use a single password only (default)" is selected.*
> any help would be really appreciated.
> --
> .......................................
> Regards,

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