Thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately I still can't get it working.

I have looked at the FTP server logs. If I try a passive transfer I get the
following when trying to transfer 2 files:

userName logged in.
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:07:30 - userName () > TYPE I
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:07:30 - userName () > 200 Type set to I.
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:07:31 - userName () > PASV
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:07:31 - userName () > 227 Entering Passive Mode
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:07:54 - userName () > TYPE I
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:07:54 - userName () > 200 Type set to I.
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:07:55 - userName () > PASV
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:07:55 - userName () > 227 Entering Passive Mode
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:08:18 - userName () > QUIT
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:08:18 - userName () > 221 Bye bye ...
(000045) 28/11/2007 13:08:18 - userName () > disconnected. (00:00:48)

so apparently it doesn't even try to copy the 2 files.

if I don't use passive I get the following:

(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:22 - userName (IP) > logged in.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:22 - userName (IP) > 230 User userName logged in.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:23 - userName (IP) > TYPE I
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:23 - userName (IP) > 200 Type set to I.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:23 - userName (IP) > PORT 213,232,95,93,7,95
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:23 - userName (IP) > 200 Port command successful.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:23 - userName (IP) > STOR log 20071127191937.rar
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:23 - userName (IP) > asked to upload 'log
20071127191937.rar' in '\\Vault\Server Backup\' --> Access allowed.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:23 - userName (IP) > 150 Opening data connection
for log 20071127191937.rar.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:44 - userName (IP) > 226 File received ok.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:44 - userName (IP) > finished uploading 'log
20071127191937.rar' in '\\Vault\Server Backup\' -  (13:15:45 - -0.001 KB -
0.000 KBytes/s).
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:54 - userName (IP) > TYPE I
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:54 - userName (IP) > 200 Type set to I.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:54 - userName (IP) > PORT 213,232,95,93,7,100
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:54 - userName (IP) > 200 Port command successful.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:55 - userName (IP) > STOR log 20071127230005.rar
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:55 - userName (IP) > asked to upload 'log
20071127230005.rar' in '\\Vault\Server Backup\' --> Access allowed.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:55 - userName (IP) > 150 Opening data connection
for log 20071127230005.rar.
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:55 - userName (IP) > QUIT
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:55 - userName (IP) > 221 Bye bye ...
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:55 - userName (IP) > aborted uploading 'log
20071127230005.rar' in '\\Vault\Server Backup\' -  (13:15:56 - -0.001 KB -
0.000 KBytes/s).
(000047) 28/11/2007 13:15:55 - userName (IP) > disconnected. (00:00:33)

Here it does try to upload the files but nothing appears in the target
directory. Both files are around 3 MB.

I have successfully uploaded a sample file from explorer so I know that the
FTP server is ok.

I also successfully put a file using the command line ftp client.

I'm beginning to think that it might be better to try getting the file using
CF on the target server rather than putting the file from the source server.

Any other suggestions?

On Nov 28, 2007 11:30 AM, Jochem van Dieten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Giles Roadnight wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to get my CF server to FTP files to another server. I can
> connect
> > ok but cannot put files.
> That can be caused by several issues with filesystem permissions and
> firewalls as the most likely culprits. Check the log files on the FTP
> server and if that doesn't provide any clues log on to the server
> hosting CF and run the command line FTP client and try to upload a file
> using both an active and a passive connection. That will most likely
> tell you what the problem is.
> Jochem

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