I forgot to include the <script language="javascript"> tabs around that js
code.  It still does not work but it does not output the variable to the
screen anymore - I just get the empty spry table where the dataset should

Thinking about this more, I don't understand how cfhtmlhead would work here.
The "parent" page is already loaded, how would cfhtmlhead on the page being
called when the tab is selected insert it's content into the head of the
page already loaded?  Am I making any sense?

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Milburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFLayout and Spry

Hi Dave

I actually tried using just content and full HTML code but could get neither
to work.  However, I was unaware of the cfhtmlhead tag.  That looks like it
may be pointing me in the right direction.  I tried it and I'm still having
problems. Here is the code on the spry page:

<cfsavecontent variable="t">
                var #toScript(url.id, "_equipID")#; 
        var dsTraps = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet(stuff for setting up the
dataset here....);

<cfhtmlhead text="#t#" />

<output dsTraps into a table here....>

On the "parent" page, when I select the tab that calls this page, the
content of variable "t" is output on the tab, along with an empty table
where the spry data should be.

Any suggestions from here? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave l [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 10:40 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFLayout and Spry

Are you trying to use a full html page?(the spry page)

You "should" only be using content and not the full html code as you would
be putting a full html page into another which can cause issues.

If you are just putting content then also make sure you are adding the spry
calls into the html head with cfhtmlhead.

>Hi all
>I'm using a tabbed cflayout.  The source for a particular tab points to a
>page that uses spry.  When viewed on its own, the spry page works fine, but
>it does not work in the cflayout.  Apparently there are issues with using
>spry and cflayout like this.  Has anyone successfully implemented such a
>scenario that could offer any pointers?

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