I apologize for posting such a junior level question especially since I have been at this for 6 years. I havent used 2selectsrelated in a number of years but it never gave me a problem. Now I need to use it and cannot get it to work. Whats worse is I made my query relect the exact example in the help file. Is my issue in the query with grouping? The second dropdown will not populate. My query and codse are below.
<cfquery name="qCats" datasource="#application.dsn#"> SELECT c.CategoryID AS MCode, c.CategoryName AS Master_Cat, s.SubCategoryID AS Code, s.SubCategoryName AS Cat FROM Categories c INNER JOIN SubCategories s ON c.CategoryID = s.FK_CategoryID GROUP BY c.CategoryName, s.SubCategoryName, c.CategoryID, s.SubCategoryID ORDER BY c.CategoryName ASC </cfquery> <CF_TwoSelectsRelated QUERY="qCats" NAME1="Cat" NAME2="Selected" DISPLAY1="Master_Cat" DISPLAY2="Cat" VALUE1="MCode" VALUE2="Code" FORCEWIDTH1="52" FORCEWIDTH2="52" HTMLBETWEEN="<BR>" EMPTYTEXT1="(choose a category)" EMPTYTEXT2="(now choose a subcategory)"> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ColdFusion 8 - Build next generation apps today, with easy PDF and Ajax features - download now http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/coldfusion/cf8_beta_whatsnew_052907.pdf Archive: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Talk/message.cfm/messageid:294114 Subscription: http://www.houseoffusion.com/groups/CF-Talk/subscribe.cfm Unsubscribe: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/unsubscribe.cfm?user=89.70.4