This is really a networking problem in my opinion, but our techs are
trying to blame it on the CF servers, so I'll give you guys a try.

After moving all our web servers over to the same firewall, we noticed
an awful lot of TCP sessions all between the load balancer (hardware)
and our users going through that firewall.

We have about 8 different web servers all behind the load balancer
clustered into three main sites.  Our usage is high, but since it is an
internal app, we only have about 200 - 300 users.

Our firewall allows for a maximum of 64,000 "sessions", which I assume
equates to open TCP connections.  We regularly max that number out; and
according to our log files we may only have 100 users at one time, but
they will have thousands of sessions for each user (up to 9,000).
Unfortunately all the network guys that actually know anything about our
network quit recently, and the remaining guy (who had never heard of
"netstat") thinks our ColdFusion code "is doing something" to consume
too many sessions.  Of course, this same guy doesn't understand the
difference between a CF "session" and a firewall "session".  He thinks
his TCP sessions expire when he is logged out of our site.  


Our load balancer uses sticky sessions and I think the sticky age is set
to 60 minutes.  Is that making the load balancer keep EVERY TCP session
open for an hour-including EVERY image, every js file, and CSS, file
etc??  I'm kind of in over my head here, but nobody else around here
knows anything useful.


Our load balancer is a Foundry ServerIron.  Our Firewall is a Juniper

Are our servers configured wrong, or is our firewall underpowered?




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