Putting the result in the application scope is a good idea.  Just do something 

<cfif NOT structKeyExists(application,"myRSSdata") OR NOT 
structKeyExists(application,"myRSSdataTimestamp" OR Now() GT 
 <cfhttp result="application.myRSSdata" />
 <cfset application.myRSSdataTimestamp = now() />

Then refer elsewhere in your code to application.myRSSdata rather than 
cfhttp.filecontent or whatever you were using for a result variable.

>I have tried the cachedwithin="#CreateTimeSpan(0,3,0,0)#" at the end of
>the CFHTTP tag and got the following error
>Attribute validation error for tag http.  
>The tag does not have an attribute called cachedwithin. The valid
>attribute(s) are url, port, method, username, password, name, columns,
>charset, path, file, delimiter, textqualifier, resolveurl, proxyserver,
>proxyport, proxyUser, proxyPassword, useragent, throwonerror, redirect,
>firstRowAsHeaders, timeout, multipart, getAsBinary, result.  
>From the above and the docs I cant see any reference on how to cache the
>CFHTTP request in the code ?
>> Could I just use cachedwithin="#CreateTimeSpan(0,3,0,0)#" on the end
>> the CFHTTP statement ?
>Have you tried ?
>What happened ?
>Did you consult the documentation ?
>Tom Chiverton
>Helping to economically brand exceptional e-markets
>on: http://thefalken.livejournal.com
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