Hello, I am trying to move our Intranet app to use CFWINDOWs. One of the
things I would like to do is migrate over time. This being the case, I want
to make a routine that saves the X and Y coordinates of a window to a
cookie, so that on the next page load the CFWINDOW is created in the same
position it was at. This gives the impression to the user that the Windows
are "persistant". I have this successfully working with ONE window. 


I run into problems with more than one window because there seems to be no
way to check for the existence of a certain window by name, or to extract
the name of whatever window passed the move event. I am running into is that
I need to get the name of the Window (or some other identifying
characteristic) so that I know which cookie to write to. Unfortunately NAME
does not seem to be exposed. Here is my JavaScript code (called via


moveListener = function() 


      if (ColdFusion.Window != null)


                                  var w =







setCoordsTODAYAT = function(ob,x,y) 



                Set_Cookie('TODAYATWINDOW_X', x, 10, '/', '', '');

                Set_Cookie('TODAYATWINDOW_Y', y, 10, '/', '', '');



closeWindowTODAYAT = function(ob) 


                Set_Cookie('TODAYATWINDOW_SHOW', false, 10, '/', '', '');



Any help would be appreciated.

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