OK, this is *sorta* working...

Let's look at real files for a second:

Here's a .cfm page. Ignore the low resolution header graphic. This is 
also probably IE 7 only compatable at this point too (it's the only 
browser the suits use...)
Watch the wrap :

OK, the "cards" stack left to right and then wrap to the next row. After 
X number of cards, there would be a page break and a small header that 
would show up on any subsequent pages on the PDF. According to the docs, 
I can program the damn cfdocument tag to do this. Yea, right.

Let's take the *same* file as above, and simply add
"<cfdocument format="pdf">" and nothing else:


Hmmm - background images for each card have covered the text? Interesting.

It's a start though.

This seems to be *way* more buggy and picky than the docs indicate, huh?

Anybody got ideas about background images here? The project manager for 
this is *really* picky about the layouts. If I'm one freaking pixel off 
somewhere, I get yelled at. I'm beginning to have my doubts about the 
PDF stuff at this point.

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