You need to set the sortORD for the remaining values to greater than the
last important item for that query.  If you had 3 item that were important,
you would need to set the sortORD to 4 for the rest of the items, that would
allow the secondary sort to actually sort. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 12:44 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: cfquery "order by" question
> i have an adin form that allows a client to specify the sort 
> order of a returned collection of results. Easy enough, but 
> I've run into a slight snag...
> Here's the basic query...
> <cfquery name="sortCARDS">    
>   Select name, amount, date
>   WHERE collection_id = '#url.colID#'
>   <cfif IsDefined("getPAGE.sortMETH") AND #getPAGE.sortMETH# NEQ "">
>   ,#getPAGE.sortMETH#
>   </cfif>
> </cfquery>
> #getPAGE.sortMETH# allows you to sort by name, amount, or 
> date - ascending or descending - if you define that.
> "sortORD" is a field in the table itself where you can 
> specify a specific order outside the "sortMETH" above by 
> putting in 1, 2, 3 ....
> OK, the problem:
> 1. let's say there's 15 returned records 2. I've entered 
> "name asc" as my "sortMETH"
> 3. I've got three specific records I want FIRST, outside the 
> alpha sort, so I enter 1, 2, 3 in the "sortORD" fields too.
> It will sort by "sortORD" like it's supposed to, but it 
> returns those LAST in the recordset after the alpha sort.
> If I don't define a "sortMETH" - it will place all records 
> with NO sortORD *first*, THEN the ones with sortORD defined.
> How do I get my numberic sort fields to take priority and 
> come up first without maybe having TWO queries defined and 
> two output blocks?
> TIA!

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