You know I tried this one but got confused cause 
I didn't get what cfinvoke does there! Plus I didn't get how to set it the way 
that the right submenu goes under the proper menu. It seems the tutorial was 
too advanced for a beginer like me.
Thanks for your help.

> Well have you tried yet? The syntax for cfmenu and cfmenuitem is
> pretty simple. The syntax for queries is pretty simple as well. Do 
> you
> know how to loop over a query? What have you tried so far?
> On Dec 28, 2007 11:26 AM, Ali Majdzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi:
> > I want to make an advanced dynamic menu (menus with submenu) with 
> CFMENU, CFMENUITEM but I want to read the menu items and links from a 
> MS SQL database. I googled but can't find a tutorial that shows me how 
> to that. Please anybody can give me tutorial link or any example that 
> I can learn how to make a menu that has several submenus and reads 
> them from a MS SQL database.
> > Thanks
> > Benign
> >
> > 

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