>Two #'s should do it. If it's not working, you might be replacing them in
>the wrong place.
>What's the code look like in context?

<cfset chartoReplace = "&##13;">

<cftextarea name="prodlongdesc" label="Long Description" required="yes" 
validate="noblanks" validateat="onserver,onsubmit" 
value="#replace(retProductInventory.prodlongdescription, "charToReplace", "", 
"All")#" cols="70" rows="10"></cftextarea> 

That still doesn't work. I get a bunch of the line breaks in the output, even 
when I delete them all before saving the form data.

The more you save the form, the more of those chars it sticks in there. Then it 
ends up being riddled with a ton of them. 

G'day mate! Do you dig the "Land Down Under" and volleyball?&#13;
Do you crave shrimp on the barbie and soft sets on the court?&#13;
Well we've got the shirt for you! Wearing this will help you "dig down" and 
give it your best, with the Australian outline floating proudly above the 
mantra  "Dig down under..." in small text below.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&#13;

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