I'm trying to insert the value of selected radio buttons using CFLOOP
and #form.fieldNames#.
It's returning the correct values that need to be inserted into the
database, but it's also returning the value and name of my submit
I thought using form.fieldNames was correct but I'm not sure how to
return all the selected fields but not the submit? Thanks for any help!

<!--- // FORM --->
<cfform action="page.cfm" method="get">
<cfoutput query="getAll" group="statusName">
                <th class="rowStatusId" colspan="3">#statusName#</th>
        <tr class="#iif(currentrow MOD
                <td align="center"><input type="radio" name="#dbId#"
value="7" /></td>
                <td align="center"><input type="radio" name="#dbId#"
value="8" /></td> 
                <td>#dbNameFirst# #dbNameLast#</td>
<p><input name="inputButton" class="formButton" type="submit"
value="submit" /></p>

<!--- // LOOPING and INSERT --->
<cfif isDefined("form.inputButton")>
<cfloop index="i" list="#form.fieldNames#">     
        <!--- test output to make sure it's giving correct values --->
        #i# <br /> 
        #form[i]# <br /><br /> 
<!--- insert that bombs because of the text --->
<cfquery datasource="#dbname#" name="addContact">
                INSERT INTO contact
                FIELDS (contactDbId,contactTypeId,contactDate)
                VALUES (#Evaluate(i)#,#form[i]#,#DateFormat(Now(),
<cfelse> .......

Give me this:

361 <---- dbId (correct)
8 <----- contactTypeId (correct) 

807 <---- dbId (correct)
7 <----- contactyTypeId (correct)

INPUTBUTTON <----- how do I not output this?
submit  <------- and this?

<!--- // ERROR --->

Syntax error or access violation message from server: "You have an error
in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
server version for the right syntax to use near &apos;FIELDS
(contactDbId,contactTypeId,contactDate) VALUES (448,8,2008-01-05)&apos;
at line 2"  

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