My mechanic likes to tell me that I should inform him what my car is/is not
doing and let him do the diagnosing.  Maybe I should try that with this
problem also.

Using a form, 'JobFileUpload.cfm', files are uploaded to the server to a
folder based on JobId and a then a record of jobId, file name, file type and
access level/levels is inserted in the database table 'jobFiles'.  I know I
could do a another table with JobFileId's and Access levels, instead of a
list of access levels, but it seems cleaner this way.  

On JobFileList.cfm, I want to filter on jobId and the current users access
level which is stored in #session.PlumUserRoles#
Any idea how I might do that?



-----Original Message-----
From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 12:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SOT sql question

On Jan 9, 2008 8:56 AM, Mark Fuqua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I need to be using 'IN' within my WHERE clause but I can't seem to
> get it to work.  I have a column with a comma delimited list.  This is the
> latest attempt and it craps out too.
> ...WHERE JobFileJob = #session.jobId# AND  '#session.UserRole#' IN
> (JobFileAccessLevel)
> JobFileAccessLevel is a field in the database table that contains a comma
> delimited list of access levels.

you're doing it backwards :)

SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE foobar IN (a,b,c,d)

says "give me records where the value of foobar is either a OR b OR c
Or d.  "IN", is a shorthand way of writing out a number of OR

it'd be wrong of me to not state here that generally speaking, storing
comma delimited values in a relational database table is (again,
generally) not a good idea and defeats the purpose of a relational
database.  those values should (likely) be broken out into a new table
as individual rows (with an ID column having a FK relationship back to
the original table).

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