I'm starting to build a couple of Flex/CF applications, and I'd like some
advice on architecture.

I understand that a Flex application keeps its own state, and as much as
possible, it's advisable to maintain state there. But of course, the
application is generally accessing back-end data through stateless HTTP
requests of one kind or another.

My question revolves around the use of data that would often be placed in a
session-scoped object in CF. I realize this is an "it depends" question. But
I'm guessing that I'm not the only CF developer wrestling with this, so
perhaps a discussion would be useful to others, too.

Let's assume that we're talking about private applications that are only
accessed after a successful login.

In a CF-driven HTML application, there is often much information kept
somewhere in the session scope regarding the current sessionUser -- perhaps
information on permissions, relationships to Companies/Entities, Roles, and
so on. These things may be used to check whether the action the user
requests is to be allowed, and to filter data.

All easily accessed from the session scope, or a facade of it, in CF.

Now -- all of these same bits of information naturally relate to using the
same application model, but accessed through a Flex front-end.

According to Ben Forta, if CF is accessed through Flash Remoting, session
identifier cookies are passed back and forth correctly (assuming of course
that the Flex/Flash app is embedded in a .cfm page).

We all know that we always want to check a user's authentication,
permissions, filters, etc. on the server side, since we can't trust the
request coming from the client. So it seems to me that I should create
session-scoped data following a successful login; use the session cookies to
identify the request from Flex, just as in an HTML app, and do server-side
checking from there; and pass to Flex whatever objects are necessary to
maintain proper state on the client side.

A simple example would be: a User logs in, and we retrieve the User's role
and her/his relationship to a Company. This information is stored in the CF
session scope. As part of a "loginSuccess" routine, the User's role is
returned to the Flex app. There, the role is used to determine what views
are available to the User.

The User's data requests from Flex need to be filtered by the Company
relationship, but there's no need for Flex to know that (necessarily). Flex
makes a request for certain data through Flash Remoting, we use the CF
session identifier to retrieve the User's Company relationship, then use
that to filter the data before returning it to Flex -- after we check on the
Role permissions, of course.

So after all that -- does this seem like the "right" way to handle such
things? And aside from architectural/philosophical considerations, is there
any technical reason why this won't work?

I'm obviously new to Flex, and I'm just trying to generate a little
validation/repudiation/advice/discussion. Thanks for any of the above.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

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