Thanks Mark, that's really helpful and you confirmed my thoughts - more
tables, less code! I will be doing something like this (an example for the
show entity):

ShowListID (PK)
UserID (FK)

ShowListItemID (PK)
ShowListID (FK)
ShowID (FK)
Comments, i.e. 'Just cos I love it so'

I feel confident that this approach is the way forward now, thank you.

On 11/01/2008, Gaulin, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> It looks like you have to decide between two approaches: the
> one-table-per-list-type method requires a lot of tables but it gives you
> explicit foreign key relationships and straight-forward querying; the
> one-table-with-a-type-identifier method requires that you define some
> sort of "type" field that will tell you what the "id" (of a list member)
> is (and so which table to join to).
> I have used the second method successfully but it requires lots of
> dynamic SQL (to JOIN to the right table based on the type of list).
> Stored procedures tend to be harder to write in this style because
> getting the right table name into the query can get ugly, but querying
> from CF is not too bad because you can insert the correct table name
> into the SQL using CF before the query is run.
> Both of these models assume that you will know the type of objects in
> the list before you query it. I would make sure to model that
> relationship at the level of the list itself, rather than just
> exclusively at the list-member level. So, if there are [user] and
> [user-list-member] tables then it is good to have a [user-list] table
> too, where each list is given an explicit id and "type", and all
> [user-list-member] records refer to the list id.
> ---
> Here's a question:  When querying the user-lists, will you want to
> return (via SELECT) fields that are specific to the object type in the
> list, or will getting just the ids of the list members be enough?  If
> you need lots of per-object type fields to be returned too then you
> might not get a lot of benefit from a generic list table, but if all you
> need are the ids (to use with a separate query) then the generic list
> model can work really well.
> ---
> In the end, having lots of tables is not that high a price to pay if
> your code (and db model) is easier to understand.  Either approach will
> work, with each being more of a pain in some circumstances than the
> other.  I'd say pick one and go forward with it to get a feel for the
> kinds of queries you need to do.  As you learn more about your actual
> querying use-cases, you'll be able to pick one model over the other with
> more confidence.  If you have to switch models, then switch.
> Good luck.
> Thanks
>        Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dominic Watson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 11:24 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: DB Design question
> >
> > I'd probably re-think your main tables first. It looks like these
> > should be incorporated into one table because shows, mus numbers, etc
> > all describe one thing.
> I simplified my descripition as the relationships are reasonably
> involved and it's an ass to describe dbs in text! The tables must
> absolutely be there own entites as they have lots of relationships
> between each other, i.e.
> 1 Show has many Musical Numbers
> 1 Show has many Creatives
> 1 Creative Type has many creatives (there are lots)
> 1 Creative has many Shows
> 1 Show has many Productions
> 1 Production has many actors
> 1 Actor has many productions
> 1 Show has many characters
> 1 Actor in a production has many characters
> 1 Character has many Musical Numbers
> 1 Musical Number has many characters
> etc. etc. !!!
> To add to the complexity, a user is also an actor - there is no actor
> table.
> So back to user lists; I think to keep things normalised I would need a
> seperate List table for each entity that I wanted listable. So for
> musical
> numbers:
> MusicalNumberList
> ----------------------------
> MusicalNumberListID (PK)
> UserID (FK - user who owns the list)
> Title
> MusicalNumberListItem
> ----------------------------------
> MusicalNumberListItemID (PK)
> MusicalNumberListID (FK)
> MusicalNumberID (FK)
> Ordinal
> The trouble with that is that makes for lots of tables and there are
> plenty already (add theatres, locations, reviews........). The up side
> is that the relationships are very clear. You want all the musical
> number lists for a user, no problem. There is a way using three tables
> only but it is anything but normalised:
> ListType
> -------------
> ListTypeID (PK)
> TableName
> List
> ------
> ListID (PK)
> ListTypeID (FK)
> UserID (FK)
> Title
> ListItem
> -----------
> ListItemID (PK)
> ListID (FK)
> FK_Value (FK to a different table depending on listType) - eugh, either
> that or hav a nullable foreign key for each entity, stil eugh Ordinal
> I hope that better describes the dilemma. Really, I prefer the first
> method just because I hate the thought of code having to figure out
> which foreign key table to lookup!
> Thoughts? Something I'm missing?
> Dominic

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