On 1/23/08, Ben Conner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SQL = "SELECT Products.*, Categories.*, Manufacturers.*
> FROM Products, Categories, Manufacturers
> WHERE Products.ManufacturerID IN (Select ManufacturerID from Manufacturers
>             WHERE Manufacturers.ManufacturerName Like '%spank%') AND
>             Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID AND
>             Manufacturers.ManufacturerID = Products.ManufacturerID
> ORDER BY Products.ProductName
> SELECT Products.*, Categories.*, Manufacturers.*
> FROM Products, Categories, Manufacturers
> WHERE Products.ProductID IN (Select ProductID from Products
>                 WHERE Products.ProductName Like '%spank%' ) AND
>                 Categories.CategoryID = Products.CategoryID AND
>                 Manufacturers.ManufacturerID = Products.ManufacturerID
> ORDER BY Products.ProductName"
> This query runs fine when the target database is Access.  Anyone have a
> suggestion how to rephrase it or a syntax that works?

It is the ORDER BY in the first query that is throwing the errors.
Just use a single ORDER BY after all of the UNIONs, and it will order
the entire set.  Also, do you mean to use UNION ALL?  That will result
in duplicate rows if a productname and manufacturename both
contain...ummm..."spank".  If you don't need the duplicate rows, you
could rewrite this:

SELECT p.*, c.*, m.*
FROM Products p INNER JOIN Categories c ON p.CategoryID = c.CategoryID
INNER JOIN Manufacturers m ON p.ManufacturerID = m.ManufacturerID
WHERE p.ProductName LIKE '%spank%' OR m.ManufacturerName LIKE '%spank%'
ORDER BY p.productname

And, of course, it would be better to specify the columns that you
pull back rather than use a wildcard.  Do you really need all of the
data from all tables?

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