Add NS (No Sub requests) to the last rewrite rule should solve it

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.cfm?course=%{REQUEST_URI} [NS,QSA,L]

>I've found an issue with mod_rewrite and expandPath() recently and  
>I'm wondering if anyone has a solution.   It seems that Coldfusion  
>uses Apache to pull the directory information with expandPath().   
>This is the case on Linux (CentOS and SUSE 10), at least, since I  
>can't duplicate the problem on my Mac.
>For example, I have the following rewrite rules:
>RewriteEngine on
>#General Rewrites
>RewriteRule ^$ index.cfm [QSA]
>RewriteRule ^([^.]+)$ $1.htm [QSA]
>#Escape if file or directory exists
>RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
>RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
>#Redirect all other requests through index.cfm
>RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.cfm?course=%{REQUEST_URI} [QSA,L]
>The the two RewriteCond rules escape the redirect when a file  or  
>directory exists however when using <cffile action write=""> where an  
>expandPath is used to create the file path, Coldfusion returns the  
>path "redirect:index.cfm" as the expanded path instead - since the  
>file doesn't exist yet .
>The workaround is to modify every path variable to two separate  
>variables - one for the directory and one for the file name and then  
>combine the two in the <cffile> tag:  Not a big deal, except that one  
>of the apps is a decent sized app with a bunch of file operations  
>being done  in legacy code (in different directories) where I keep  
>running into this issue.
>Any idea of a rewrite rule or workaround that will allow CF (and  
>expandPath()) to do it's thing in peace while allowing all other  
>rewrite rules to be processed?    I've been digging into the  
>mod_rewrite book and trying to tweak the existing rules with no success.

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