My goal is to run a series of stored procedures. At one point, while I run the 
stored procedures, I need to run coldfusion code which has a cfquery tag and 
some complex if and else conditions which are easier done in coldfusion than 

All I need to do is to open up that page in a browser and since the coldfusion 
code for that page has the queries and other logic which i want to run, it will 
execute that just by opening the url with that .cfm file in a browser.

once that is done, i want to continue on with executing other stored procedures.

so, basically, i want to know if i can open a browser window and call a 
coldfusion page through sql server.

I think the code you have in VBScript might be the solution I am looking for. I 
will try to find out how to call the vbscript through sql.

I will try that and will let you know if I have issues.

I would like to thank all of you for your responses to help me.


----- Original Message ----
From: Alan Rother <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: CF-Talk <>
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 4:00:32 PM
Subject: Re: is it possible to open cfml page from sql server stored procedure?

I think to help we may need to know what your goal is. That is to say,
do you want to have SQL Server read the contents of the cfm file
itself, or perhaps the results of the CFM file? Or do you simply need
to fire off some CF process once your SQL Server process has reached a
certain point.

If the last on is the case, then you should be able to have SQL Server
fire off a VB Script the can trigger the CF code. Strangely enough, I
had to be a VBscript do just that today. I don't know offhand how to
make the SQL call the VB, but I do know it can do that.

Here is the VB code I used

URL = "";

    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp") "GET", URL, FALSE
    http.send ""
    set WshShell = nothing
    set http = nothing



Alan Rother
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX 7 Developer
Manager, Phoenix Cold Fusion User Group,

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