It's not free, it's a third party system not installable code and it's
not ColdFusion - and with that, I guess totally inappropriate for this
list - but I have never found a better newsletter system than :)

There are so many risks associated with running newsletters out of
your own server - ask anyone who's ever ended up with their IP on the
SORBS list for no good reason, for example - that I wouldn't even
consider doing that these days.

In summary, it's a system designed for web development companies to
onsell to their customers (optionally taking a cut of the per-campaign
and per-delivery costs) with awesome templating customisations and
kick arse marketing-department friendly stats. And they are very
careful about spam, because their business hinges on getting mail

I just realised that sounds like a sales pitch, but I'm just a happy customer :)

On Jan 30, 2008 12:54 PM, Nathan C. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm looking for a relatively simple mailing list manager or newsletter-type
> system.  This would be for an outbound only newsletter-style list.  I'd like
> to find something with a double opt-in option (invitees have to click a link
> in order to approve their subscription).  And a link to unsubscribe from the
> list.
> I saw some good looking Php stuff but I was really hoping to find something
> based on ColdFusion.  I prefer FOSS but reasonable licenses are fine too.
> Thanks for any pointers.
> -Nate

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