>On Jan 31, 2008 2:30 PM, Ali Majdzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
><cfoutput>#test.ProductName#</cfoutput> would work, but i'm guessing
>you want to display the product name once, and related data beneath
>Evelyn the dog, having undergone further modification pondered the
>significance of short-person behaviour in pedal depressed,
>pan-chromatic resonance, and other highly ambient domains. "Arf," she

Exactly. thanks a lot it works very great. Just a question. Does DISTINCT in 
SQL does the same thing or not? I know it won't be so great like grouping in 
CFQUERY but someone told me that I can show data once by using Distinct in SQL. 
Does it work here too or it is for other situation. THANKS IN ADVANCED AGAIN. 
the tutorial is great.

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