>Thanks Josh. I hadn't really looked through them recently, though I was
>thinking specifically about case studies of companies moving to CF from
>competing technologies like PHP or MS SharePoint. It was my impression 
>(though I could be wrong) that their case studies were generally
>confined to new projects rather than having any focus on platform
>transitions. Showing platform transitions would be good cases for
>showing comparative strength of the technology to give people an idea of
>areas where CF may be better suited for a specific project. Having more
>of that focus out there might produce better results with regard to what
>we perceive as an overall "bad rep" for ColdFusion where people are
>always "leaving in droves" from a technology that's been around since
>before all the others were even conceived and yet shows no particular
>signs of going anywhere any time soon. :P Just wasn't sure if I'd made
>that notion clear in my previous post. :) 
Hey, if any of you would like to write some of those articles for Fusion 
Authority, we'd be happy to put them out there on the website.

But - as one of the admins here, I do have to remind that this thread is OT for 
this technical mailing list and should be moved to CF-OT.


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