So I just finished a meeting with our maintenance department. They 
showed me this huge POS hosted application that they have been using for 
managing their projects/maintenance requests. So I get to build a new 
trouble-ticket system for them. Rather than re-invent the wheel I 
thought I would solicit this list to see if you all could offer some 
recommendations to similar applications that are out there. The basic 
requirements are:

Open-source CF
CF-8 compatible
SQL Server 2005 compatible
Relatively inexpensive (the Govonator just proclaimed that we are in a 
state of fiscal emergency and is proposing HUGE budget cuts to K-12 funding)

These are the basic requirements. The main reason for open-source is I 
know from experience that nothing comes out of the box with everything a 
customer needs so I will more than likely be making tweaks to it as well 
as adding functionality like Exchange integration and extending it to 
work with a budgeting app I need to create, and wireless device (read: 
Blackberry/Palm) integration as well as others.



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