Thank you for your response, i ended up using an iif statment in the end, which 
gives the same results as your solution, please see below

AND (((iif(products.cfsalePrice=0, 


>I haven't tested, but maybe something like this?
>SELECT productType.*, productRange.*, products.*,
>       Displayprice = CASE products.cfsalePrice
>         WHEN products.cfsalePrice = 0 THEN products.rrPrice
>          ELSE products.cfsalePrice
>        END
>FROM (productType, productRange, products
>WHERE productType.prodtypeID = productRange.prpdType
>AND productType.prodtypeID = products.pdType
>AND productRange.prID = products.pdRange) 
>AND Displayprice <= 1000
>William E. Seiter
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>Enter passkey: goldengrove
>Web Developer / ColdFusion Programmer
>I am working on a product database, and need to drill down the products
>using price bands i.e. upto £1000, £1001 to £2500 etc.
>My problem is; the database table has two fields for pricing info, an RRP
>and a sale price. The RRP price has to stay intact and can not be changed to
>the sale price. (If the product is not on offer the sale price field remains
>at £0.00.) If i use the following clause i get all the products, quite
>rightly as the sale price field is less than 1000
>AND (((products.rrPrice)<=1000)) OR (((products.cfsalePrice)<=1000))
>so i added this
>AND (((products.cfsalePrice) > 0))
>This now returns all products with an RRP less than 1000, great!! However,
>this will not return a product with a sale price of £800, and a RRP of
>£1250, which is right!! Because the RRP is greater than 1000, but i need it
>to return the on sale products as well, regardless that the RRP is still
>higher than 1000. I hope this make sense. Any help would be appreciated.
>Full query below;
>cfquery name="getProducts" datasource="#application.dsn#">
>SELECT productType.*, productRange.*, products.*
>FROM (productType INNER JOIN productRange ON productType.prodtypeID =
>productRange.prpdType) INNER JOIN products ON (productType.prodtypeID =
>products.pdType) AND (productRange.prID = products.pdRange)
>WHERE 0=0 AND (products.pdArchive) = 0
>AND (((products.rrPrice)<=1000)) OR (((products.cfsalePrice)<=1000))
>AND (((products.cfsalePrice) > 0))

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