I would prefer the regular expression to do this. Can you show me how to do 
what you are suggesting please?

>If you don't manage to get what you're after. Just loop over the array and
>look for the string.
>Hello everybody,
>I need some help with regular expressions.
>I'm trying to write a reqular expression that will return all the links on a
>page that contain a string in the query string.
>I found a UDF on cflib that returns a list of all the anchor tags on a page
>but I want to only return all href tags that contain the word "ProductID" in
>the query string ex:
><a href="somesite.com/index.cfm?action=get&productID=1">test</a>
>Here is the udf, that returns all the links on the page.
>function hrefsToList(inputString) {
>       var pos=1;
>       var tmp=0;
>       var linklist = "";
>       var delimiter = ",";
>       var endpos = "";
>       if(arrayLen(arguments) gte 2) delimiter = arguments[2];
>       while(1) {
>               tmp = reFindNoCase("<a[^>]*>[^>]*</a>", inputString, pos);
>               if(tmp) {
>                       pos = tmp;
>                       endpos = findNoCase("</a>", inputString, pos)+4;
>                       linkList = listAppend(linkList, mid(inputString, pos, 
> endpos-pos),
>                       pos = endpos;
>               }
>               else break;
>       }
>       return linkList;
>Can someone please show me how to change the modify expression to return
>what I've explained above please?

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