As mentioned CFQueryParam is the best defense against SQL injection, but I
believe CFC's do protect you.  CF auto escapes any single quotes in your
strings, so I think the only way to do sql injection is to put extra
commands in numeric parameters.  If you have the type checked beforehand, I
think you should be reasonably safe. 

I would love to see something that disproves this. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Norloff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 11:51 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: CFC protect from SQL Injection?
> Does the parameter typing in a CF Component protect you from a SQL
> Injection attack?
> Below, both variables cfcStage_From and cfcID have their type set. It
> seems cfcStage_From would be protected as it's typed as numeric.
> However, cfcID is typed as string, and it seems it could contain a single-
> quote that would allow a malicious user to terminate the data entry and
> add on a second SQL statement, all inside the string cfcID.
> Would cfcID be better inside double quotes (if they work)?
> Thoughts? References? Links?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> <cfcomponent  displayname="test">
> <cfargument name="cfcStage_From" type="numeric" />
> <cfargument name="cfcID" type="string" />
> ....
> <cfquery name="qry_test1" datasource="test">
>     INSERT INTO  table
>     ( STAGE_FROM_ID )
>     Values (#cfcStage_From#)
> </cfquery>
> <cfquery name="qry_test2" datasource="test">
>     Update table
>     set
>     From_stage =#cfcStage_From#
>     Where ID = '#cfcID#'
> </cfquery>
> </cfcomponent>

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