> I tried changing the web-inf/jrun-web.xml file to add a 
> virtual directory mapping.
> I decided to try that first rather than move the entire wwwroot.
> I created the following entry:
> <virtual-mapping>
>       <resource-path>/webroot/*</resource-path>
>       <system-path>E:/Inetpub/webroot</system-path>
> </virtual-mapping>
> But I get a browser message that the page can't be displayed 
> when I try both http://webroot/his-anointing/index.cfm
> or http://webroot:8500/his-anointing/index.cfm
> If I move the his-anointing directory under the wwwroot 
> directory in the ColdFusion 8 directory then I can bring up the page.
> Does this mean I'm going to have to change the resource path 
> for "localhost" and relocate the CFIDE files, etc, now in the 
> ColdFusion 8 directory, to be able to resolve:
> http://localhost:8500/his-anointing/index.cfm?

If your web root directory is e:\inetpub\wwwroot, you don't want to create a
virtual directory mapping pointing to that, because those refer to
subdirectories of the web root, not the root itself. In your URLs above,
"webroot" is not a hostname, so that won't resolve. The virtual mapping you
created would map this URL:


to the directory:


I don't think that's what you want.

As for relocating the CFIDE files, etc, you could simply create virtual
directories pointing to those, if you didn't want to move them.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Training: Adobe/Google/Paperthin Certified Partners 

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