Thanks Dave,

Unix? What's that? Heh, I'm only pulling your leg, I know what Unix is.

I thought that cfcontent would be an intensive little monkey, it doesn't
surprise me to hear you've found that in the past, it's nice to have that

I think my real goal with this is to keep it as unintensive as possible, I
mean, keeping the files hidden from web access isn't the absolute end of the
world, if people view and download them it has no real consequence, other
than eating all my bandwidth, however, all the files are stored with a UUID
as the name so it's not as if people will stumble across them by accident.

One thing I'm considering as an option at the moment is maintaining the
theory of passing the binary data back over a webservice, however, cutting
out the compression, at least this makes the load on the server a little
less and it's just the bandwidth which is going to take a bit of a hit,
maybe 10-20% or something like that, quite manageable though.

What do you think, does that sound a solution? Or would you still look
around at the idea of making files temporarily accessible?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 28 February 2008 09:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Sending File Data Over Webservice

> What are the overheads like on using cfcontent to deliver a 
> file opposed to simply having it available in a web 
> accessible directory?

Significant, in my past experience. The CFCONTENT request monopolizes a CF
thread for the duration of the download. As an alternative, you might
consider creating temporary URLs; you can easily do this on Unix using
symlinks. You can create symlinks to directories in Windows, and that might
be sufficient also.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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