Hmm... the "extra" 10 people is interesting.  Doing a match on first name
and last name is really not a good idea for data integrity.  A good example
is in my family.  I am a "Junior" and my son is the "3rd".  Simply matching
on first and last name would return one result for my father, my son, and
I.  It's possible that a similar case caused your lower count in the
original query.  The query I sent you still has the possibility for this
Best practice would dictate that there really should be only one "person"
table.  All the logic to preserve uniqueness could be directed at a single
table that way.

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Mark Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sonny,
> Sorry for the delay, as your original message got eaten by NoSpamToday
> on our Exchange server (go figure) and my time zone tends to have me in
> bed when the *rest of the world* is hard at work.
> Awesome, thanks (yes I think it worked)!
> I do have one question however - when I do the original union on just
> first and last names I get a record count of 1192, but when using your
> union and left outer join I have 1202. Just an interesting side note but
> it does appear to be doing what I want, so I wont delve into the
> intricacies too much.
> Once again, the assistance is much appreciated.
> Mark

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