Rob - I'm working on someone else's site ('s not my code) and was 
trying to do some <cfajaxproxy> stuff and ran into the same problem. It turns 
out, that there's a gotcha you need to look out for: if the application.cfm (or 
anything else) is returning any HTML or content, it can screw up the content 
that is returned by your CFC!

In the case of the app I'm working on the directory structure goes like this:

/ - root
/cfc - all cfc's here
/otherdir - other dirs containing groups of CFMs and other stuff. This is where 
my stuff is.

As it turns out, there's a application.cfm in the root and there's one in 
/otherdir ... but there is no application.cfm in the /cfc dir. So when my CFM 
employs <cfajaxproxy> to call a method on a CFC in the /Cfc dir, that cfc winds 
up falling under the jurisdiction of the application.cfm in the root!!! And as 
luck would have it, that application.cfm was spitting out links to stylesheets 
into every page.

So, my clue was when I looked at the ajax response in firebug, I found these 
<link...> tags. Then it was a matter of tracking down where they were coming 

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