What usually causes this error?
I have a bean Query.cfc, named of course Query..

When I init the bean I get the following error message...
        The value returned from function init() is not of type Query. If the
component name is specified as a return type, the reason for this
error might be that a definition file for such component cannot be
found or is not accessible. <br>The error occurred on line 2.

I've compared it to another bean and they're almost identical (aside
from name, variables, etc)..

The init() function looks like

<cfcomponent name="Query" hint = "I am the Query Bean" output="false" >

        <cfset variables.instance.query_id  = 0  />
        <cfset variables.instance.query_name  = ""  />
        <cfset variables.instance.descr = "" /> 

   <cffunction name="init" displayname="init" hint="Bean for CF_Query"
access="public" output="false" returntype="Query">
          <cfargument name="Query_id" type="numeric" required="false"
default="0" hint="QUERY_ID" />
          <cfargument name="Query_name" type="string" required="false"
default="" hint="QUERY_NAME" />
          <cfargument name="Descr" type="string" required="false" default=""
hint="DESCR" />

      <cfset variables.instance = structNew() />
      <cfset setQuery_id(arguments.Query_id) />
      <cfset setQuery_name(arguments.Query_name) />
      <cfset setDescr(arguments.Descr) />

      <cfreturn this />


and I'm testing it like....

<cfset query = createObject("component", "com.queries.Query").init(
QUERY_ID = 1 ) />

Query_id = #query.getQuery_id#<br />

I expect no pizazz but
Query_id = 1

but that's not even working..

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