Morning everyone,

We've got a strange error which keeps appearing in our logs every day (usually 
2-3 but they're increasing) which looks like this:

13-Mar-2008      12:13           Error           0         
Element ROOT is undefined in APPLICATION. The specific sequence of files 
included or processed is: C:\..\display\disp_nopage.cfm, line: 23

This is coming from our global error-handling page. Note that the "Application 
Name" column is blank so it doesn't look like it's being assigned to one. If i 
try and access this page myself or force an error it appears fine and the 
debugger is showing that the page is assign to the main application.

As you can see from the address the file sits in a directory called "display". 
There is no application.cfm file in this directory so I would expect it to drop 
to the next level and get the application details from there. This would be the 
root which is where the main application.cfm is sitting.

I'm suspecting that this might be a Web Crawler (Yahoo Slurp! appears a lot in 
the IIS logs) which is testing the error pages but what puzzles me is why there 
isn't an application being assigned to it. Does anybody have any ideas? Would 
something as simple as a....

<cfif not isDefined('application.applicationName')>
     <cfapplication name="myMainApplication">

..... fix the problem?

Your help would be appreciated.


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