Is the pop-up window a cfwindow or a new browser window?

>Okay, this one is not making any sense at all to me - it *has* to be a
>setting issue but I can't seem to find anything to help.
>I have a CFDiv tag - <cfdiv id="File" bind="url:showfiles.cfm?user=#userid#" />
>Inside the CFDiv I have a pop-up window that allows the user to edit
>or add files.  This works just fine and includes the following line of
>code at the end of the upload page:
><script type="javascript">
>   window.opener.ColdFusion.navigate('showfiles.cfm?user=#form.userid#",
>   window.close();
>In my development area, a win 2003 box with CF8 dev. everything works fine.
>When I upload to staging, the initial page loads fine but when the
>ColdFusion.Navigate calls and the window closes all I get is that nice
>"Loading" animation.
>I've enabled the AJAX debugging and the GET is being sent but it does
>not report any data being returned.
>Anyone have any ideas on this?

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