> Is there a list of all possible delimiters value?

A delimeter could be any 'legal' character in a string. The delimeter you
use is informed by the string you are given to break up into list items;
using different delimiters will break up your 'list' in different ways. Here
is some code to demonstrate, just copy and past into a blank template and
run it; then look over the output and hopefully things will become clear for
you (if they haven't already):

<cfset myList = "foo|bar,sticky toffee pudding|init">
<h1>Delimiter demo</h1>
<p> The list: #myList#</p>

<h2>Using default delimiter (comma)</h2>
 <cfloop list="#myList#" index="listItem">

<h2>Using '|'</h2>
 <cfloop list="#myList#" index="listItem" delimiters="|">

<h2>Using '|' or ','</h2>
 <cfloop list="#myList#" index="listItem" delimiters="|,">

<h2>Using any vowel</h2>
 <cfloop list="#myList#" index="listItem" delimiters="aeiou">

<h2>Using a character that isn't in the string (@)</h2>
 <cfloop list="#myList#" index="listItem" delimiters="@">


Also, if you want a delimiter of CR LF (used quite regularly to delimit
whole lines of a csv that have a line break to indicate a new row) you can
use the Chr function:




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