<cfif listfirst([variable],".") eq 'www'><cfset

I am certain that there is a REGEX guru here who can put you in turn with a
good regex expression to do this as well, though.

::-----Original Message-----
::From: Nate Willard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
::Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 6:04 PM
::To: CF-Talk
::Subject: Re: How to obtain just the domain from a URL
::listGetAt(url, 2, '/') works very well too, thanks! it does return the
::www. though, is there a way in the same line to remove the www without
::needed a "www." replace ""
::Nicholas M Tunney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Good call.  That
::behavior frustrates me ;)
::Charlie Griefer wrote:
::> listGetAt(url, 2, '/') since CF ignores empty list attributes, no?

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