No McYellowDog's... - now there's reason number 1 to be thankful :-)

But.... oddly enough, right here in sunny southern california, not 25 miles
from here - there is a town called Garden Grove - where the freeway exit
signs to get to it actually read "Little Saigon" next 3 exits.

Ya know ... I never have heard a dog bark while ive been there .... :-)

They had a beef dish on one of the menus at a Chineese restaurant I was at 3
days ago - I was LMAO - cuz the description on the menu went something like
" ....with a Dark Brown suace glaze - a delicacy that defies description"

mmmmm Yummy .... Sauted Rover!

> Steve, you've obviously never tasted a McYellowDog (they call it a Royale
> Paris, right?).  Some say that we fatten the dingoes up on babies, but the
> real Aussie secret is the Special Sauce and the pickle.  I bet you don't
> have THEM in the US.

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