Maybe have a default or generic "option", set the id to 0.. That way
ALL stock totals will be in one table instead of 2.
It'd make it easier to query also.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 7:45 PM, Mike Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> help! i am stuck...
> ok, for my product catalogue i have included a basic inventory system.
> product
> -------------
> product_id
> track_stock BIT
> stock_level INT
> reorder_level INT
> product_to_product_options
> --------------------------
> product_id
> product_options_id
> stock_level INT
> reorder_level INT
> product_options
> ---------------------
> product_options_id
> product_option_title
> basically, if a product has options (eg. small, medium, large) then the stock 
> is tracked at the option level. if not then it is tracked at the product 
> level.
> my big problem is, how do i determine if a product is available for purchase 
> eg. it has a stock level of zero - either at the product level or for a 
> particular option?
> i need to develop a system for displaying products on a summary page.
> any help would truly be appreciated.
> mike

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